Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Simon Bell

Simon Bell

... is CEO - Bayswater Institute and Professor of Innovation and Methodology (and formerly Professor of Innovation and Methodology, Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, School of Engineering & Innovation, Open University)

Keynote speech: Fear, Fiction and Consciousness: anything else?



Ulrich Grober

... is a journalist and author of Sustainability: a cultural history. He has been awared serveral prices such as the "Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Nachhaltigkeitspreis 2014" and the Brandenburgische Literaturpreis Umwelt 2011.

Keynote speech: Deep Roots - Shaping and Reshaping the Sustainability Discourse


 Otto Scharmer

Otto Scharmer a Senior Lecturer in the MIT Management Sloan School and founder of the Presencing Institute. He chairs the MIT IDEAS program for sustainability and cross-sector innovation. Scharmer introduced the concept of presencing”—learning from the emerging future—in his bestselling books Theory U and Presence (the latter co-authored with Peter Senge, Joseph Jaworski, and Betty Sue Flowers). He is co-author of Leading from the Emerging Futurewhich outlines eight acupuncture points for transforming capitalism. His new book, The Essentials of Theory U (2018), outlines an updated summary of the core principles and applications for leading profound systems change.



Sandra Waddock Galligan Chair of Strategy, Carroll School Scholar of Corporate Responsibility, and Professor of Management at Boston College's Carroll School of Management.   Winner of numerous awards, including a 2017 PRME Pioneer Award, she has published over 150 papers and 13 books, including Healing the World (Routledge/Greenleaf, 2017) and Intellectual Shamans(Cambridge, 2014). Current research interests include transformational system change, memes and narratives in transformations, intellectual shamanism, and management education, and wisdom, among others.



Keynote Speech: Art, Transformation, and the Social Imaginary


Professor Stephen M Mutula

Stephen M Mutula a full professor of Information Science. He holds degree qualifications in computer science, education and information sciences. Professor Mutula is currently the Dean and Head: School of Management, IT and Governance at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa).  He is a National Research Foundation rated scholar and has won several international scholarly excellence awards from Emerald publishing (UK), African Network of Information Ethics (ANIE)/Capurro Fiek Foundation Germany), University of Botswana, and University of KwaZulu-Natal (SA) among others. He has an extensive publication record that include but is not limited to books such as: Digital Economies, SMEs and E-readiness (N. York: Business Science Reference); Web-based Information Management: A cross Disciplinary Approach. (Oxford. Chandos Publishing); Information and Knowledge Management in the Digital Age: Concepts, Technologies and African Perspectives (Ibadan. Third World Information Services Ltd): and Digital Solutions for contemporary democracy and e-government (Hershey PA: Information Science Reference). Currently his h-index stands at 28 and i10 – index of 66 respectively. He serves on several international editorial advisory boards.

Keynote Speech: “Industry 4.0 Conundrum for South Africa: Challenges and Opportunities”


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