Preliminary Program
Wednesday 18th March 2020
Thursday, 19th March 2020
Friday, 20th March 2020
Saturday 21st March 2020
09:00 PreProgram Registration |
09:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
09:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
09:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
10:00 PreProgram Opening |
10:00 Conference Kick Off - Plenary Welcome
09:30 Keynote: Simon Bell "Fear, Fiction and Consciousness: anything else?"
PreProgram A: PhD Workshop (extra registration required)
10:30 Keynote: Ulrich Grober "Deep Roots - Shaping and Reshaping the Sustainability Discourse
10:30 Competitive Paper Sessions
10:30 Plenary Panel Discussion
11:30 Opening Plenary Panel Discussion
12:30 Buffet Lunch
12:30 Buffet Lunch
12:00 Buffet Lunch
PreProgram B: "History and Presence of Sustainability: Tracing Carlowitz in Chemnitz and Freiberg" (Field Trip, extra registration required)
sponsored by von Carlowitz Society

13:30 Keynote: "Sandra Waddock "Art, Transformation, and the Social Imaginary"
13:30 Competitive Paper Sessions & Opening of the "ARTEM OCC Cinema"
13:00 Workshops & Competitive Paper Sessions
14:30 Competitive Paper Sessions & Site Visit "Science meets Art" with Dagmar Ranft-Schinke's »QUO VADIS«
15:30 Coffee Break
14:30 Coffee Break
15:00 Extraordinary Contribution Awards, AAE S/W School Certificate Ceremony & Tracking Art Presentation
16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 Competitive Paper Sessions
18:00 Registration Opens
16:30 Competitive Paper Sessions
18:00 Finish
16:00 Outlook on ARTEM OCC IV & Farewell Party
19:00 Conference Welcome Reception and Vernissage
18:00 Finish |
18:30 Doors Open 19:30 Evening Event & Conference Dinner Keynote: Otto Scharmer